Represents a log entry in the webhooks activity list.
Object payload
id string
ID of webhook call
type string
Must be exactly "webhook_call"
entity_type enum Example: "item"
The subject of webhook triggering
event_type enum Example: "update"
The event that triggers the webhook call
created_at date-time Example: "2016-09-20T18:50:24.914Z"
The moment the call occurred
request_url string Example: ""
The url that the webhook called
request_headers object Example: {"Accept":"*/*","User-Agent":"DatoCMS (","Authorization":"Basic Y2lhbzptaWFv","Content-Type":"application/json"}
request_payload string Example: "{ \"entity_type\": \"item\", \"event_type\": \"update\", \"entity\": { \"id\": \"293467\", \"type\": \"item\", \"attributes\": { \"created_at\": \"2018-05-22T10:13:00.461Z\", \"updated_at\": \"2018-07-30T14:13:50.068Z\", \"is_valid\": true, \"avatar\": { \"path\": \"/205/1526984443-untitled-drawing.png\", \"format\": \"png\", \"size\": 242630, \"alt\": null, \"title\": null, \"width\": 329, \"height\": 286 }, \"name\": \"3Francesco Falchy\", \"gallery\": [] }, \"relationships\": { \"item_type\": { \"data\": { \"id\": \"1423\", \"type\": \"item_type\" } }, \"published_version\": { \"data\": { \"id\": \"670532\", \"type\": \"item_version\" } }, \"current_version\": { \"data\": { \"id\": \"670532\", \"type\": \"item_version\" } } } } }"
response_status integer, null Example: 200
The status of the response
response_headers object Example: {"via":"1.1 vegur, 1.1 (CloudFront)","date":"Fri, 27 Jul 2018 11:59:20 GMT","server":"gunicorn/19.6.0"}
response_payload string, null Example: "ok"
The webhook which has been called
Available endpoints